Sunday, November 6, 2016

Kapa Haka Wānanga Performance

We were overwhelmed by the turn-put to our end of year Wānanga Performance. To start off the evening the Year 5 & 6s led all performing Kapa Haka members into the hall with Aoraki Taku Maunga. They then performed the haka Waitaha Riporipo. Next, the Juniors (Year 2 & 3) performed Aoraki Te Mauka, Tirama Tirama Ngā Whetu, and the haka Panana Panana. The Year 4 - 6s performed Whakarongo Mai, Ngā Waka E Whitu, Ka Pioioi E, and the haka Tahu Pōtiki. To finish off the evening, all performers sang Kia Tau together.

Tūmeke to all our performers! Kia ora to Miss Hansen for coming back to play the guitar for us at the last minutes, to our presenter Julana, to our Senior Kaea for leading our performances (Kaya, Kāmaioha, Mishayla & Sophie), and the juniors who led the junior items (Zachariah, Rosaria, Eva, Laura, Zoe & Flynn). 

Leave us a comment with your favourite item below!