Saturday, October 27, 2018

Christchurch Primary Schools' Music Festival

Our wonderful Legends Choir performed beautifully at this year's opening night at the Christchurch Primary Schools' Music Festival held at the Horncastle Arena. They looked great and certainly hit the high notes with some great songs like "Those Magnificent Men in their Flying Machines" and "We are the Champions". Our Junior Representative Choir members sang like angels with "A Million Dreams" and "Orinoco Flow" (Mrs Peterson's favourite item of the night!).
It was great to see the parents and grandparents enjoying this memorable night of music.
You can hear the choir again at Kids In Town this Thursday (1 November) at the ChCh Art Gallery from 12.30pm - 1pm.
Final rehearsal in full swing

Singing is lots of fun
Thousands of ChCh children have experienced this event over the years. Next year we hope to be back in the Town Hall!

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

A Trip To Africa

Koffie and his team took us on a wonderful adventure in African culture, drumming, songs and dance today. Some of the children (and teachers) got to play the djembe drums and everyone joined in with the West African singing and dancing.
The children absolutely loved the experience - "It just made me want to get on a plane to go to Africa!" Liam, aged 11years.